
The external purging of my internal ramblings served artfully...or so I hope....
...my portfolio website can be found at Katness Studios.

Monday, February 6, 2012

January AAD Reflections

I'm a little disappointed that I didn't *actually* do a piece of "Art a Day" like I set out to do. However, I'm happy with the fact that I did it. I'm aware that I'm not really that great of an artist, but I'm hoping that with practice I can re-hone my skills. Repetition is the mother of results...

Two very BIG things happened since the last posting...

#1: I became a Cornell University student. :) I have dreamed & fantasized about this for years. I had my 1st class on 1/25 & it's been a bit of a whirlwind ever since.

#2: On February 1st I became an Auntie!! We spent nearly 2 weeks thinking "today is the day" but he was a stubborn little dude. That being said, there was quite a lot of worry & travel & loss of sleep last week...even in our house. :)

So, all of that aside...now that we're a week into February, I suppose it's time to get the latest ones uploaded. I've actually done 2 pieces this month so far. One is a gouache piece to add to "Letting Go" & the other is another hemp piece.

I feel like I should add a side note: I'm *not* including ANY photography in this challenge. Photography is my main creative venue, however I feel like for this particular exercise I want to stretch the creative muscles that are not regularly "warmed". I actually got the idea to do this challenge from a friend's facebook album wherein she is posting a photograph every day. I kind of feel like that would be far too easy for me to cheat on, if I allowed it. Thusly, You are forced to look at mediocre "art" & can feel free to comment on it as such, should the mood move you to do so.

Until the next!

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