
The external purging of my internal ramblings served artfully...or so I hope....
...my portfolio website can be found at Katness Studios.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Art a Day...

Conceptually speaking, I'm proposing a New Year's Resolution unlike any I've ever attempted. Events of the past year have basically squashed my ability to create any artwork whatsoever, including photography. I managed to squeak out a couple paintings last year, but my heart really wasn't in it when I created them. So my aim is to remedy that.

"Art a Day" is the lofty goal of creating a single piece of artwork every day, regardless of quality. The only requirement I have for myself is that it MUST have SOUL.

So far, I have not been totally successful at creating complete pieces in a single day, nor am I able to say that I haven't missed any days. BUT...I am pretty happy with my results so far. Drawings are generally "done" but not high quality, as my drawing skills are sub-par. It's something I'm working on. Bigger pieces such as sculptures, moldings, paintings, etc I have been posting that day's progress so long as it was a true concentrated effort & my heart & soul were awakened during the process.

So, I'm going to post my mediocrity here in the hopes that maybe I'll inspire myself to never again give up on the "in progress" state.

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